Week 2: Progress of Gen Z

In Week 2, Gen Z is doing some points that can be reported to this Pucel. First, is the Operation and Control Planning.3992951132?profile=RESIZE_710x

Second, Gen Z has been thinking about SMART Goals in six months (to June 2020)

Our SMART Goals are:

1. Spesific: Increase followers of Gen Z up to more than 1 thousand in Instagram and execute 1 event.

2. Measures: Monthly report based on Insight in Instagram and progress for event's plan.

3. Achievable: Gen Z already has more than 400 followers in less than 2 months. Gen Z will also have partnership with PUCEL to execute the event in Podomoro University.

4. Relevant: Based on Instagram's Insight, Gen Z has gained more than 12 thousand reaches in a week.

5. Time Bound: We get around 1 month to execute the event and around 3 months to achieve it.


Interview with Entrepreneur

The interviewee is one of Christopher Prase's school friends.

Because of the limitation of time, we only can do the interview via messaging and this is the content of the interview (The interview is done by using Bahasa Indonesia)


1. Halo, boleh perkenalkan nama dan latar belakang anda secara singkat?
Nama saya Sean Eugenius, saya owner dan founder dari Lucky Tortoise. Awal mula saya merintis bisnis ini karena ketertarikan dan kecintaan saya terhadap hewan terutama reptile.

2. Boleh ceritakan apa bisnis anda dan sedikit dengan penjelasannya?
bisnis saya adalah bisnis retail di bidang hewan peliharaan terutama di reptile dan exotic pets lainnya.

3. Sudah berapa lama anda merintis usaha anda ini?
saya merintis usaha ini kurang lebih sejak 2014 (6 tahun yang lalu)

4. Apakah anda merintis sendiri atau bersama orang lain?
Iya sendiri serta dukungan oleh orang tua dan teman2

5. Boleh ceritakan suka duka ketika merintis usaha anda?
Sukanya ya pasti mendapatkan keuntungan. selain itu kalau customer puas dan senang, bisa repurchase lagi dan mereferensi usaha kita ke temennya.
dukanya ya jika hewanny mati, otomatis rugi.

6. Nilai-nilai apa yang menurut anda penting ketika berbisnis?
Menurut saya yang terpenting adalah memiliki “keunikan” yang membedakan bisnis kita dengan bisnis yang lain. menjaga suatu kepercayaan customer juga sangat penting, dengan menyampaikan kondisi apa adanya terhadap barang tersebut. selain itu menjaga aftersales yg baik wajib dilakukan supaya dapat meningkatkan customer relationship

7. Saran apa yang ingin anda berikan untuk orang yang akan merintis usaha?
Saran saya adalah harus telaten dan berkomitmen mulai dari awal, jangan hanya semangat di awal saja namun sikap semangat itu harus selalu tertanam di dalam diri kapanpun. selain itu jangan mudah menyerah jika menghadapi suatu masalah.


Coaching Discussion


In March 2nd, 2020, we meet Sis Crystal and Bro Vian. We discuss things about new ideas, brainstorming, finding problems, and many more to improve Gen Z.

At the end, there are two points that can be summarized from the discussion:

1. Gen Z has to find the unique and original value to build the brand.

2. Planning an event with more specific content and topic.


Therefore, we can focus to improve Gen Z in coming weeks with these two points.

See you in next Pulse Report! :)


Thank you for reading. We hope it's helpful. That's it.

Greeting from Gen Z.

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