We decided  to left SCOTFIELD and make a new brand thats on researching



S : introduce a new ways of using perfume, having a lot of  perfume advantages, and selling 100pcs/ months

M: We measure our target through our survey thatt we gave and we making a new target every week to make our brand more efficient 

A: From our survey, we can see that this product have a lot of demands

R: based on our survey, 73% want to try our product

T: We have 3 months to achieve our goals


Report of our interview with entrepreneur week 4


1. Perkenalan diri

Nama Saya Steven Cokro dan saya adalah owner dari Case Genius, saya membuka bisnis ini sejak SMA dan masih menjalankan bisnis ini sampai sekarang

2. Kenapa mau membuka usaha sendiri?
Karena melihat banyak anak muda zaman sekarang yang sukses di usia muda, maka saya mau mencoba membuka bisnis sendiri.

3. Apa tantangan terberat untuk sekarang?
Kalau untuk sekarang, membagi waktu secara efisien menurut saya sulit karena saya kuliah sambil bekerja

4. Kunci agar bisnisnya lancar?
Awalnya jangan takut untuk mencoba karena gagal itu hal yang biasa. Kuncinya biarpun gagal kita jangan mudah menyerah harus mau coba lagi dan lagi.

5. Apa kamu udah puas dengan hasil sekarang ini?
Yang namanya manusia pastinya tidak pernah puas. Tapi saya bersyukur aja karena udah mau usaha sendiri. Karna banyak diluar sana yang seumur saya masih suka main main.



Hello we are solid perfume team and we are seeking for 5 million rupiah for 20% stacks from our company.

Shark do all of you use perfume now? because 63% people in the worlds using perfume, but do you feels your perfume are not efficient either the packaging that too hard to bring or you must feel your perfume is not efficient because you spary to much. Imagine if you have the solid one, its easy to use just apply to your skin and its pockatable?

From the data that our survey gave, we can get 73% from 50 people that interesting with our product, we sell our product about Rp50.000-75.000 and its the max COGS is around Rp25.000. We are planinng to sell 100 product this month

So who are joining us?

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