week 8 : UTS

As CEO, i want to report about this week :
1. This week we do UTS TAEL and other subjects. Here is our Pulse Report PPT (https://www.canva.com/design/DAE8WesG-0g/C_hs-iC8TVuNkt3CMHQbIA/view?utm_content=DAE8WesG-0g&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton) I'm sorry that we can not submit it in pdf/ppt form, bcs we have a video that can't be played in that format.
2. We did an interview, and here is the YouTube link to the interview with one of the business owners from @popartcard (https://youtu.be/-yRgque11Bk)
3. We attended a webinar titled "Proposal Business Plan yang Memikat Investor" and here is the insight that I got from the webinar.
Insight Webminar TAEL.pdf

obstacle : pulse report presentation postponed until next week

target week 9 :
1. prepare our pulse report presentation onsite
2. continue the discussion for pre-order batch 2

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