1. Open "forum" tab and click "+" for every update.

2. Fill in the form. 

3. Please update weekly progress with format title: "WEEK 1 and activity name", "WEEK 2 and activity name", and so forth. For example "Week 1: Ready to Launch". IMPORTANT : Before click submit, please choose the category (your company name)*if you cant find your company name, please contact us : pucel@podomorouniversity.ac.id . we will respond as soon as possible

4. When you meet every mentor (entrepreneur), please update it as well to trace your progress

Any problem? contact us : pucel@podomorouniversity.ac.id

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Heku Bag

Berikut adalah link pitch deck Heku bag sebagai syarat mengikuti ujian UAS dengan anggota: 1. Nicholas Koh Han Jun (11220001)2. Wilson Fernando Tjandra (12220003)3. Jason Claudio (12220004)4. Yudhi Hardianto (12220002)Link Pitchdeck: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFkWvWH7Uk/6JkMSZXBKKHcNMk3tmnSvg/view?utm_content=DAFkWvWH7Uk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelinkSekian dari Kelompok kami,Makasih

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Selamat pagi,Berikut adalah link pitch deck Ikhlasin sebagai syarat mengikuti ujian UAS dengan anggota:Billy Wardana 11220015Dustyn Justino Huang - 11220011Jayvan Huang - 11220020Nicholas Alfred - 11220014Link PITCH DECK:https://www.canva.com/design/DAFkUSwOcls/tHI9RldX4EPeZr4WnMXUPw/edit?utm_content=DAFkUSwOcls&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebuttonSekian dari kami Terima kasih 

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