Entrepreneurship (18)


Pada tahun 2024, Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW) kembali hadir sebagai inisiatif strategis yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi dengan tujuan untuk mendukung pengembangan jiwa kewirausahaan di kalangan mahasiswa. Program ini memberikan pendanaan kepada kelompok usaha mahasiswa yang memiliki potensi untuk tumbuh dan berkembang.

Terdapat 14 kelompok usaha mahasiswa dari keseluruhan sebanyak 2017 proposal yang berhasil mendapatkan pendanaan P2MW Tahun 2024. Sebagai bagian dari program tersebut, Podomoro University Center of Entrepreneurial Leader (PUCEL) menyelenggarakan kegiatan pembekalan khusus bagi para penerima pendanaan P2MW.

Kegiatan pembekalan ini merupakan langkah penting dalam memastikan bahwa setiap kelompok usaha mahasiswa yang menerima pendanaan tidak hanya memiliki modal finansial tetapi juga memiliki bekal pengetahuan yang cukup untuk mengelola dan mengembangkan usaha mereka dengan efektif dan berkelanjutan. Dalam kegiatan ini, PUCEL juga memberikan sertifikat penghargaan bagi kelompok yang berhasil mendapatkan pendanaan dan juga kelompok yang belum berhasil mendapatkan pendanaan. PUCEL juga memberikan pin kepada PUCEL Entrepreneur Coach yang membantu kelompok usaha mahasiswa dalam mengikuti dan menjalankan P2MW 2024.


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Dalam rangka mendorong munculnya calon pengusaha muda di perguruan tinggi, Direktorat Bemlawa Kemendikbud Kembali melaksanakan Kegiatan Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI) tahun 2021. Kegiatan ini merupakan keberlanjutan dari program KBMI yang telah diselenggarakan di tahun-tahun sebelumnya.Program KBMI menitikberatkan pada orientasi pengembangan, proses dan hasil usaha kelompok bisnis mahasiswa.Pada tahun ini terdapat 10 kelompok mahasiswa Podomoro University yang berhasil mendapatkan dana hibah KBMI 2021, dengan rincian sebagai berikut : 

1. Hangguk Korean Fried Chicken

Dosen Pembimbing : Edvi Gracia Ardani, M.Par.

Ketua : Kevin Lievincent

Anggota : Christian Mesak Dawir, Joy Christian

2. Martinee

Dosen Pembimbing : Felix Oktarianto S.Kom., M.M.

Ketua : Natalia Chandra

Anggota : Lilu Yulianti, Michelle Gabriel, Devid

3. Meat me

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, S.T., M.Sc.

Ketua : Valerie Marsha

Anggota : Mutiara Shafira, Donnie Dhira

4. Rakit Creative House

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, S.T., M.Sc.

Ketua : Ekaputra Suhandojo

Anggota : Vian Sebastian, Vania Haliman

5. Scae

Dosen Pembimbing : Adli Nadia ST.,MT.

Ketua : Allysa Chandra

Anggota : Eliza Tantra Halim, Laura Wibisono

6. Thank God It's Monday

Dosen Pembimbing : Christy Dwita Mariana, S.T., M.M.M., Dr. (cand.)

Ketua : Christopher Prase

Anggota : Belle Jacqueline, Peter Gunawan

7. Tusega

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, S.T., M.Sc.

Ketua : Aubert Ardiyanto

Anggota : Billy Anugerah, Bruan Melvin, Felix Leonardi


Dosen Pembimbing : Edvi Gracia Ardani, M.Par.

Ketua : Hisyam Alfridho

Anggota : Edward Justin Barlow, Daud

9. Without Brand

Dosen Pembimbing : Adli Nadia ST.,MT.

Ketua : Moses Cristal Yamamichi

Anggota : Davita Vania, Viandri david

10. Youth Diary

Dosen Pembimbing : Yasinta Indrianti, M.Psi, Psikolog

Ketua : Violetta Florencya

Anggota : Elizabeth Tirta Santoso, Voncent Oktavius 

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Pusat Prestasi Nasional melakukan berbagai kegiatanyang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan jumlah mahasiswa berprestasi. Dalam rangka mendorong peningkatan prestasi mahasiswa, kemampuan akademik, wawasan dan kecintaan mahasiswa terhadap bidang bisnis yang harapannya nanti mampu meningkatkan perekonomian bagi diri sendiri bahkan untuk Indonesia dimasa yang akan datang, Pusat Prestasi Nasional Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan fasilitasi yang salah satunya adalah Kompetisi Inovasi Bisnis Mahasiswa (KIBM) tahun 2020. Terdapat 7 kelompok mahasiswa yang berhasil mendapatkan dana hibah KIBM 2020, dengan rincian sebagai berikut: 

1. Spuntool's

Dosen Pembimbing : Ezra Peranginangin, S.T., M.T., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Ketua : Cindy Wijaya

Anggota : Jeconia Ivander Ruslie, Millemus Tommy Taslim, Deemas Tandiwijaya, Jessica Amanda

2. Lakoona

Dosen Pembimbing : Ezra Peranginangin, S.T., M.T., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Ketua : Lim Yue Wen

Anggota : Irfan Setiawan, Audrey Fayeza

3. Booster Fragrance

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, ST. MSc

Ketua : Stanley Bryan

Anggota : Michael Gabriel, Michael Pukarta

4. Meat.me

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, ST. MSc

Ketua : Valerie Marsha Halim

Anggota : Belle Jacqueline, Adriel Nathaniel

5. Gen Z

Dosen Pembimbing : Yasinta Indrianti, M. Psi, Psikolog

Ketua : Christopher Prase

Anggota : Donnie Dhira, Thessa Davina

6. Technical Tools

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, ST. MSc

Ketua : Angel Lina Oktaviana

Anggota : Sherlly Agustiane, Claudy Marciani


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Dalam rangka mendorong munculnya entrepreneur muda di perguruan tinggi, Direktorat Belmawa Kemendikbud menyelenggarakan Kegiatan Managemen Bisnis Indonesia (KBMI) tahun 2020. Terdapat 5 kelompok mahasiswa Podomoro University yang berhasil mendapatkan dana hibah KBMI 2020 dengan rincian sebagai berikut : 

1. Browbites

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, ST. MSc

Ketua : Vian Sebastian

Anggota : Ekaputra Suhandojo, Christian Dawir, Lung Giatto, Erika Rachel, Maria Gitta

2. Bearnice

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, ST. MSc

Ketua : Verent Faustine

Anggota : Gabriel Phitoyo, Akira Anders

3. myJourney

Dosen Pembimbing : Edvi Gracia Ardani, M.Par.

Ketua : Arisandy Dhammananda

Anggota : Rasihan Khairil, La Dyan Junaga Benson

4. Co-Kiss

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, ST. MSc

Ketua : Wendy Vernandez

Anggota : Angie Lie, Tashalonica, Wendi, Tirza Wiguna

5. Pancarona

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, ST. MSc

Ketua : Mutiara Shafira

Anggota : Khelera, Anthony Satria Setiono, Angel

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Dalam rangka mendorong munculnya wirausahawan muda di Perguruan Tinggi, Ditjen Belmawa Kemenristekdikti menyelenggarakan Kompetisi Bisnis Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI) tahun 2019. Terdapat 4 kelompok mahasiswa Podomoro University yang berhasil lolos dalam KBMI 2019 yakni sebagai berikut : 

1. Bearnice

Dosen Pembimbing : Athalia Permatasari BSM., MSc

Ketua : Verent Faustine

Anggota : Tasya Thinggani, Sonia Angela

2. Browbites

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, ST. MSc

Ketua : Vian Sebastian

Anggota : Ekaputra Suhandojo, Christian Dawir, Lung Giatto, Erika Rachel, Maria Gitta

3. Ree-Dee

Dosen Pembimbing : Ezra Peranginangin, S.T., M.T., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Ketua : Halim

Anggota : Raphael Primadiata, Trisje Milenia

4. Ilios

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto, ST. MSc

Ketua : Irfan Setiawan

Anggota : Florencetina, Vincent, Kelvin

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How to Pitch Your Startup

Passion, hardwork, and a healty amount of obsession are essential ingredients to entrepreneurial success. A startup founder’s ultimate success is dependent on others buying into his of her vision. It means, your progress is contingent upon your ability to pitch the value of who you are, what you’re doing and why it matters.Early-stage founders can use pitch deck templates to create visual presentation that provide brief overviews of business value propositions, market opportunities and metrics. The purpose of a presentation deck is to enable entrepreneurs to effectively tell the story of their business. In many ways it’s like a structured scientific proof. You want to walk the listener through an argument as to why this is going to be an amazing business.We shouldn’t expect to construct the perfect pitch deck right away, we may begin by constructing the simplest description of your business possible: The Elevator Pitch. When you meet hundred of people at various meeting, you have seconds to peak someone’s curiousity, and the best way to do that is compelling Elevator Pitch. This one-sentence statement explains what you do, who you serve and why it matters in simple language.After you’ve articulated you Elevator Pitch, you can expand upon your short pitch with the details potential investors, partners, and team members care most about with a 1-minute pitch. A 1-Minute Pitch usually delivered in a pitch competition.Before creating your pitch deck, it’s important to consider the perspective of potntial investors. The current VC landscape is showing bigger deals spread amongst fewer startup. In order to stand out, your pitch must include both the specific informational components investors are seeking and a memorable story that illustrates a compelling opportunity.The biggest challenge of making a memorable deck is building a storyline that echoes outside of the pitch deck. This means, building a storyline that is not only easy for investors to remember, but also a storyline that’s easy for them to repeat and regurgitate to other potential investors. Your job is to convince investors your startup offers the greatest potential return, with the least amount of risk. Investors evaluate risk in three main areas: Market Risk, Product Risk, and Execution Risk.One of the biggest investor turnoffs is lack of revenue potential. Putting money into a product that isn’t strong enough to succeed. Your product or service must be useful, usable and unique. Finally, experienced VCs know amazing ideas are worthless without qualified teams bringing them to fruition.Our objective is to succinctly illustrate your marketplace knowledge, business model and qualifications for execution. What's really important is to not go into the weeds of all the details because what you’re trying to do is give them enough information that they want more information. Your goal at meeting No. 1 is to get people interested enough that they want meeting No. 2. Avoid excessive text, use large fonts that are easy to read, include colorful charts, statistics and graphics, and label each slide (e.g. problem, solution, team). We shouldn’t include unsubstantiated growth projections, describe extraneous hiring details, use tons of bullet points, and inflate your capabilities.The founders need two pitch decks: (1) a detailed version that can be shared with investors via email, and (2) a simplified version that can be elaborated upon in person. It’s not uncommon for investors to request to see a deck before agreeing to meet. Conversely, a standard deck should be streamlined to ensure investors spend more time listening and less time reading.We have creative freedom when organizing and presenting your slides. Here are the four most common types of pitch deck formats: The Problem-Solution Deck, The Vision-Opportunity Deck, The Team Deck, and The Traction Deck. The most commonly used pitch deck template is the Problem-Solution Deck, which is ideal for founders with especially unique solutions to widespread problems.don’t be afraid to venture outside of existing formats, so long as you're including necessary information. The most compelling elements of your business plan, your unique value proposition (UVP) and your intended audience should all inform how you structure your deck.The problem-solution deck format is cover, summary, problem, solution, product, business model, market opportunity, competition, growth, traction, financials, team, funding, summary, and appendix. All of it should be explained specificallyDuring the presentation, when somebody asks you a question, that’s the right time to address the question. Even if it means you have to jump ahead or jump back. entrepreneurs must demonstrate flexibility, spontaneity and willingness to “jump off” script.Here are some of Ressi’s(CEO of the Founder Institute) best pitch presentation tips: Keep it under 10 minutes, Tell a story (take your audience on a journey of why this business matters), have a clear UVP, show your passion, and anticipate question. Delivering the perfect pitch takes practice. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.Constructing a pitch deck is a crucial component of delivering a compelling investment presentation. A winning deck clearly articulates a target audience, a problem worth solving and a scalable solution. It also mitigates the three types of risk investors care most about: Product Risk, Market Risk and Execution Risk.However, displaying something “technically correct” isn’t enough. For better or worse, most investors associate good storytelling with entrepreneurial capability. Therefore, “mastering the pitch” is crucial for founders wanting to secure venture capital. The easiest way to enhance your entrepreneurial storytelling skills, and improve your pitch deck, is to join a startup community dedicated to your success.
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Membuka usaha berarti membuat keputusan. Dalam membuat keputusan tersebut kita harus mempertimbangkan beberapa hal. Agar dapat membuat keputusan setelah mempertimbangkan beberapa hal tersebut, kita harus berani mengambil resiko.Membuka usaha tentunya harus memulai dari hal kecil, namun dengan berpikir jauh ke depan. Menjadi pengusaha tidak segera membuat kita menjadi kaya. Kita harus mengembangkannya sedikit demi sedikit.Selama berwirausaha, sangat disarankan untuk hidup berhemat. Dengan hidup berhemat, kita dapat menyediakan lebih banyak modal untuk usaha kita. Kita menunda kesenangan kita yang sekarang untuk nanti saat usaha kita sudah maju.Dalam membuka usaha, kita juga harus melihat keadaan sekarang ini agar dapat menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas. Namun sangat tidak disarankan untuk membuat kesimpulan sendiri tanpa melakukan riset atau survei terlebih dahulu.Selain itu kita harus bekerja sesuai minat kita. Industri manapun bisa menjadi bidang yang menguntungkan, asalkan kita memberikan totalitas baik dalam komitmen dan tindakan untuk mengembangkan bisnis itu. Menguntungkan semua pihak juga penting dalam usaha.Dalam bisnis kita juga dapat menerapkan prinsip amati, tiru, dan modifikasi. Mengamati bukan hanya melihat namun lebih tepat mempelajari. Dengan mengamati kita dapat belajar dari kesalahan orang lain. Mengamati juga bisa dijadikan sebagai langkah untuk evaluasi karena anda akan membandingkan apa yang Anda amati di perusahaan lain dan apa yang anda miliki di perusahaan anda.Setelah mengamati apa yang dimiliki perusahaan lain, kita dapat memulai dengan meniru. Namun kita tidak bisa meniru merk, logo, serta hal lain yang dilindungi oleh hukum. Dengan melakukan amati dan tiru, maka Anda sudah bisa menghemat waktu, energi dan dana untuk menemukan ide baru.Setelah meniru, kita dapat memanfaatkan kreativitas kita dengan mulai memodifikasi. Kita harus membuat hal yang berbeda agar dapat menghindari kesan meniru. Modifikasi memang membutuhkan tenaga, waktu, pikiran serta dana. Itu karena ini adalah langkah terakhir dimana anda juga harus menentukan bagaimana produk anda akan dimodifikasi agar terlihat berbeda dan lebih mengesankan dibanding dengan pesaing.Ada banyak cara untuk berbisnis dan setiap orang memiliki cara yang berbeda. Jangan takut gagal, karena kegagalan adalah awal dari kesuksesan.(Alwin Wiryawan)
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To my sister, my soulmate, I love you. My family's here, I love you, Mom and Dad.
Bradley, there is not a single person on the planet that could've sang this song with me but you. Thank you for believing in us. Thank you so much.
And if you are at home, and you're sitting on your couch and you're watching this right now, all I have to say is that this is hard work.
I've worked hard for a long time, and it's not about, you know...it's not about winning.
But what it's about is not giving up.
If you have a dream, fight for it.
There's a discipline for passion.
And it's not about how many times you get rejected or you fall down or you're beaten up.
It's about how many times you stand up and are brave and you keep on going. Thank you!


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Mungkin masih ada segelintir orang yang mengenal Virgin Group namun tidak mengetahui orang yang telah mendirikan lebih dari 300 perusahaan dibawah nama tersebut. Richard Branson. Salah satu sosok pemimpin yang memiliki mental baja. Siapa yang sangka bahwa sosoknya adalah pria sukses yang tidak menyelesaikan studi SMA namun memiliki kegigihan yang luar biasa hinga dapat mencapai titik seperti sekarang ini. Titik dimana dirinya telah mempunyai kekayaan senilai US $3.9 miliar, mempunyai 360 perusahaan dibawah nama Virgin Group, diangkat menjadi salah satu orang terkaya di dunia, bahkan memiliki gelar Sir dari tempat asalnya yaitu Britania Raya.  Lelaki kelahiran tahun 1950 ini telah menjadi seorang wirausaha dari umur 16 tahun. Pada awalnya Ia membuat sebuah majalah dimana dirinya yang menjadi pemilik sekaligus editor dari majalah tersebut yang bernama “Student”. Ia juga sempat mendirikan Student Advisory Center, yang merupakan layanan cuma-cuma untuk membantu kalangan muda saat berumur 17 tahun. Semakin banyak anda membaca artikel tentang dirinya anda mungkin akan semakin mengagumi pendiri dari Virgin Group ini. Pemilik mental baja ini membuat majalah “Student” ketika dirinya ingin membuktikan bahwa dirinya dapat menulis majalahnya dengan baik ketika Ia dikenal tidak dapat membaca dan menulis dengan baik oleh orang-orang disekitarnya saat dirinya menginjak jenjang pendidikan SMA. Selain memiliki mental baja, hal lainnya adalah dirinya yang memiliki prinsip-prinsip kuat dalam menjalani dan memimpin perusahaan-perusaahaannya.

 1.    Kerjakan saja

Menurut beberapa sumber, Richard Branson adalah sosok yang memiliki banyak alasan untuk melakukan sesuatu daripada tidak. Ia dijuluki sebagai Dr. Yes oleh pegawainya di Virgin karena dirinya hampir tidak pernah mengatakan tidak. Segala sesuatunya akan dicoba terlebih dahulu dan jika terdapat rintangan didepannya akan dihadapi. Bahkan dirinya tidak percaya bahwa “Tidak bisa” harus menjadi suatu kendala karena apabila kita tidak memiliki pengalaman yang tepat untuk meraih suatu sasaran maka kita harus mencari cara lain.

 2.    Bersenang-senanglah

Bersenang-senanglah, tapi dengan kerja keras, maka uang akan datang. Itu adalah salah satu prinsipnya dalam menjalankan sesuatu. Dirinya tidak menyangkal bahwa Ia telah bekerja dengan baik bahkan orang mengatakan apa yang Ia sentuh akan berubah menjadi emas dan ditanyakan apa rahasianya. Semua orang pastilah ingin menjadi miliarder. Namun dirinya selalu mengatakan bahwa Ia tidak memiliki rahasia. Tidak ada aturan dalam menjalani bisnis. Dirinya hanya bekerja keras dan menikmati semua prosesnya.

 3.    Hargai teman dan keluarga

Teamwork adalah sebuah gagasan yang telah Ia kenal dari masa kanak-kanaknya. Ia mengatakan bahwa orang yang bersahabat pun dapat mempunyai pendapat yang berbeda namun dengan menghargai pastinya segala perselisihan dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Salah satu dari bentuk menghargai adalah berbicara secara terbuka sehingga perselisihan akan terselesaikan. Selain dalam berbicara, Branson juga berpikiran terbuka dan menjadi pendengar yang baik sebagai pemimpin. Dirinya mengatakan bahwa kita perlu tahu pikiran diri kita sendiri tetapi tidak ada gunanya memaksakan pandangan kita pada orang lain. Branson juga mengatakan bahwa tidak seorang pun memiliki monopoli atas ide atau nasihat yang baik. Maka dari itu Ia menghargai cara pandang orang lain yang berbeda dan mendengarkan aspirasi selain dari dirinya sendiri.

 4.    Berburu peluang baru

Tidak heran Richard Branson memiliki lebih dari 300 perusahaan dibawah Virgin Group karena dirinya selalu berburu peluang baru. Ia juga mencari gagasan dan peluang baru yang akan memungkinkan dirinya lebih unggul dari para pesaingnya.

 5.    Mengambil resiko yang telah diperhitungkan

Branson memahami bahwa sebuah keterbatasan pasti ada, tetapi bukan berarti dirinya harus bersikap nekat dan ceroboh dalam menjalani usaha dan memutuskan sesuatu. Bergerak dan membuat kemajuan secara cerdas setahap demi setahap melalui masa-masa awal usaha yang penuh pergolakan adalah yang dirinya lakukan dalam menjalankan segala sesuatunya.



============================================ Richard Branson's Quotes ==========================================

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There are several leadership points that Steve Jobs implement to his company Apple, and indicates his perspective towards people around him.

The first one is Simplify. For example, Jobs set his sights on redesigning the mobile phone. He would grab a competitor's phone and rant the functions were incomprehensible and the address book was indecipherable. His iPhone set a new standard for smartphones, making them into miniaturized computers. The iPhone's small touch screen was the test case for the iPad, Apple's tablet computer, and proved there was a big market for teeny mobile computers.

The second one is Control the Experience. Apple took full responsibility for the product from end-to-end. Every aspect of the hardware was analyzed carefully, from each component to the overall look. Likewise, he considered the user experience in every line of code and each salesperson in the Apple stores. Apple's model of a closed and proprietary system was consistent with his controlling personality and set Apple apart from open-source competitors.

The third one is Innovate. Innovators change the game rules to reinvent industries. Jobs noticed people were burning CDs on their personal computers from content on-line. The Mac could manage videos and photos but it could not record CDs. Jobs thought he had missed an opportunity in on-line entertainment. But, he rethought the concept and developed an ecosystem that transformed the entertainment industry with iTunes software and the iTunes Store. He made it simple to buy and manage music from one website and store it on an iPod or computer.

The fourth one is Team with Winners. Jobs could be so direct, it bordered on rude. But his high aspirations spilled over onto Apple employees who believed they too could accomplish anything. Jobs said, “Maybe there’s a better way—a gentlemen’s club where we all wear ties and speak in this Brahmin language and velvet code words—but I don’t know that way, as I'm just middle-class.”

The fifth one is Vision + Details. Jobs’ passion was applied to issues both large and small. Some CEOs are great visionaries while others know that God is in the details. In 2000, he came up with a grand vision that the personal computer should become a hub for managing user content. With the hub in mind, he developed different kinds of nodes, launching personal devices. In 2010 he came up with the successor strategy—the hub would move into the cloud—and Apple built huge server farms to upload and sync content. Here, it indicates that a leader should have a clear vision of what the leader wants in order to really make it happen.

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Mark zuckerberg by wilson , aaron philbert


The most successful entrepreneurs share the same trait: They are passionate about what they do. Zuckerberg has always been passionate about using technology to connect people, but he has also put in the hard work to achieve it. Having passion for something means that you don’t give up. It gives you energy to work through difficulties. Where some people see failure, a passionate entrepreneur sees only a learning experience, a stepping stone to keep moving forward.


The really great companies have a sense of purpose at the root of all that they do, from hiring employees, to attracting the right investors, to their marketing and their customer service. By always keeping his purpose in mind, Zuckerberg has been able to focus on creating the best product for achieving this.


No business leader can run a company all by themselves. Success is a team sport. At Facebook, Zuckerberg provides the imagination, while Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, provides the execution around his vision., Zuckerberg and Sandberg share the same values, complementary strengths, commitment, mutual trust and the mutual respect needed to continue to drive the company forwards.


No one is doubting the intelligence of Mark Zuckerberg. Starting from young age, investing his own software programs, and getting into IVY League University and last but not least, investing the Facebook. This all show the very strong intelligence in Mark Zuckerberg


Mark Zuckerberg has shown flexibility in his character.He always been open to change and never been afraid of taking new steps and doing something new. Though not all of his changes have been successful, majority of them have stood the test of time and boosted Facebook's following

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Being the one who had built Apple into the world’s most valuable company, also helped to transform seven industries: personal computing, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, retail stores, and digital publishing making many wanted to know how he lead. His personality was integral to his way of doing business. He acted as if the normal rules didn’t apply to him, and the passion, intensity, and extreme emotionalism he brought to everyday life were things he also poured into the products he made. His petulance and impatience were part and parcel of his perfectionism. Many said that he tend to be rough to people, but people didn't leave him even if they feel brutalized, they still deliver and work with him. The product that they make together is perfect. here's some of the key of Steve being a Steve Jobs:

- he always focus

Steve Jobs always choose to focus on several things rather than thinking of "billions" idea that need to be execute in such a long period and somehow it make Apple, Apple. 

- always try to simplify

as the first Apple brochure said "Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication". Steve loves for simplicity had been growing since before he entered Apple company. in making new product, he would always ask to Apple's worker/designer what the purpose of things in the product. example, screw that could be simplify. with the attitude that love simplicity brought Apple with simple design yet elegance to the world.

- products before profit

it is important lesson for Steve Jobs for prioritize the products itself than profit. when profit is prioritize, people tend to lost its interest/ not motivated enough to produce great product

- not being a slave on a focus group

sometimes it only needed one focus group to made a product. example, on how you or your friend would wanted as a product. in Steve Jobs case, it is music player (iPod) that he made based on what he or his friends wanted. A simple music player that we would carry around happily.

- always push yourself to perfection

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His Passions

Gates was fascinated by computers when he was young and spent most of his time learning how to program. Although he wasn’t a model student, Gates decided it was important to pursue what he was passionate about. That led to many breakthroughs in computers, including the programming language BASIC and, later the MS-DOS program for IBM. It was only a matter of time until his love for computers became the foundation for Microsoft.

Work Hard

Gates knew success doesn't happen overnight but is, and always will be, the culmination of a lot of hard work. Fueled by his passion, he spent years working from his garage, developing coding and programming, and learning how to create a solution with global reach. This took seemingly endless hours.


No matter what happens, a legendary leader continues to look forward, unfazed by any barriers or missteps along the way. Despite Gates’ phenomenal success, he did have to contend with anti-trust litigation claiming that Microsoft was a monopoly. In 2011, after a 21-year battle in the court system, the case was finally put to rest after numerous threats to break the company up. Throughout the battle, Gates continued to pursue the strategy that he had laid out and stayed the course, preferring to focus on the future rather than be distracted by present challenges.


Gates has never been someone to simply be satisfied with the success he has achieved to date. As he has pointed out, “It's fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” He also reminded others: “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

in our opinion, Bill Gates succeeded in bringing Microsoft to a fantastic success on the basis of his passion for computer equipment, so he really knows what to do for the future. He is a tireless worker and he believes that success will not come very soon. Therefore, the law of karma will run where we will get results in accordance with what has been issued. his fondness to always see the future that makes Microsoft as an IT company that has always been a benchmark of a technological sophistication in an era.

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Jack Ma by Cindy, Jaeysen and Richard

Starting from only 18 people including him and his wife, now Jack Ma is the leader of a big company in china that employs thousands of people, reducing unemployment and poverty rate and has a charity foundation of his own. Surprised by the wonders of internet, Jack Ma saw an opportunity to build a business trade of chinese products through the internet. Although his attempts to convince investors failed, he didn’t give up with his brilliant ideas until softbank agreed to fund the business, he succeeded to create the biggest e-commerce in china. Jack Ma intends to use the internet and Alibaba’s influence to facilitate more globalized trade across borders beyond China and to help SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) across the world.  Jack Ma vows that helping SMEs to succeed is much like a religious calling for him. Jack Ma learned the incredible power of connectivity, especially how the internet can greatly impact global trade, especially for SMEs. Jack Ma believes that customers always come first, employees second and investors come third. He quoted this “If Alibaba doesn’t get bigger and more successful than Walmart or Microsoft, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Our predecessors invested in us, it is therefore our (this generation’s) responsibilities to do better than them.”What we can learn from Jack Ma is that if you see an opportunity, then you should take it and don’t give up on it easily. He also stated to have values to live by and don’t kill competitors but empower them, only then we can be successful.

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Basically both of them have a similarity, Dream and Goal have something good in their head, have something wonderful imaginations that there isn't real yet. But the difference is the Dream have no action, it stays in our head, it's very wonderful and perfect, and of course we enjoy our dream. in Dream there is no FAILURE, but THERE IS in Goal. In goal we have PLAN, there is action, step by step, Failure will be our best teacher to reach our goal.

We are Podomoro University Students should have our own GOAL to REACH, no matter how old you are, sooner you start, sooner you turn into the next level.  Time flies so fast, there is no time for "later". DO NOT be afraid to fail.

It's the time to change your Dream into Goal. If you afraid to fail, if you too lazy to take an action, just lie down on your bed and enjoy your beautiful dream. Of course while you enjoy your dream there is a lot of people who steal it from you in a real life.

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PUCEL as the center of entrepreneurship of Podomoro University has taken the role as the mentor in Wonderful Startup Academy (WSA). Wonderful Startup Academy is a program of startup business development which focuses on the tourism sector in Indonesia, as the result of collaboration between the Ministry of COoperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Galeri Indonesia WOW, Ministry of Tourism, and ICSB Indonesia  .

Wonderful Startup Academy has already at the final stage since its initiation in the end of 2016. Finalists of ten selected startups, among others, were Goers, Kosthunt, Geotours, Place+, Thingstodoo, Kili-kili Adventure, Dineary, Oemah Etnik, Kiribang, and Maqna. Dr. Wisnu Dewobroto (Head of PUCEL) was in tandem with Mr. Indra Utoyo, who is curently the Director of BRI and appointed to escort one of the 10 finalists of startup company, the digital Place+.


In the mentoring session at BRI Building 1 (8/17), Wisnu said Place+ as the application which focused on video, is a start up with lots of potential and capable of answering the millennial generation requirement today, however, the challenge is how this startup can monetize the product. One of the easiest way is to bring big company as one of the partners and use Place+ as the promotion campaign media, so that it will increase the awareness of public to the product, Indra Utoyo said.

 The involvement of PUCEL in WSA mentoring that will give birth new entrepreneurs in the tourism sector is one of the visions of Podomoro University to make every graduate the leader with entrepreneurship soul and spirit. Using PUCEL, the program is expected to boost the spirit of Podomoro University’s students to keep becoming problem solver and giving the business solution from their expertise. 




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